Steel Piling

Steel Piling from Contractors Steel – Driven to Support

Presently, Contractors Steel is now stocking H-piles, pipe piles and sheet piles. Important to realize, as a leader in the structural steel industry, Contractors Steel is bringing an extensive knowledge of first-step processing and steel knowledge to the piling market. For this reason, we are driven to support the projects you need on your delivery schedule.


Fabrication and First Step Processing Services

Since 1960, Contractors Steel supplies and processes structural steel in the midwest. In fact, our foundations run deep and so does our experience. Altogether, with 60 years of experience in processing steel, we are excited to offer the following services to the piling market:

  • Points – pre beveled, protect the bottom of the pile during installation
  • Splicers – to splice together longer piles for deep foundation projects
  • Tie bank anchor pockets
  • Sound wall beams – full fabrication including galvanizing and painting
  • Channel Whalers
  • Cutting to length
  • Galvanizing
  • Base plates
  • Stiffeners
  • And more!

By all means, our team of piling experts are here to answer your questions and guide you through the job process. Contact us today for a quote!

Types of Steel Piling


First, steel H-piling are bearing piles that are required in deep foundation projects when the existing foundation is too shallow.

Sheet Piling

Second, sheet piles are long, structural sections designed to create a continuous wall.

Pipe Piling

Third, pipe piles are cylinder shaped piles with improved friction that can be filled with stiffening agents.

Piling Advantages

Notably, piling offers the deep foundation industry numerous advantages over other material types. These include:

  • Steel piling supports very large load design such as bridges or skyscrapers
  • Cost-effective
  • Installed as a single length or spliced together for deep projects
  • Reduces the amount of time at the construction site
  • Piling properties and mechanicals are controlled, standardized, and well known prior to pile driving


Steel Piling Applications

By all means, piling is ideal for the deep foundation projects across North America. In fact, without deep foundations, these applications would not be possible without piling. Applications include:

  • Bridges
  • Buildings
  • Factories
  • Stadiums
  • Lagging walls
  • Marine structures
  • Earth retention for retaining walls and sound walls

Receive a quote for your next piling job!